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How Clementine Boshevski chased the sun across Australia

Melbourne mother and health expert, Clementine Boshevski, travelled Australia's sunny spots for two years. Once a gym owner and health coach, her non-stop approach caused severe exhaustion and health challenges. She created her brand, Salt Lab by addressing magnesium deficiency through extensive research. Clementine shares her nature travels and her deep bond with the environment in our latest Hour in Nature Journal.

What’s your favorite thing to do in nature?

Being technology free and moving my body, I love a good hike.

Describe your connection to nature: what positives does it bring to your life?

For me nature connects me back down to what matters, it’s where i turn when life gets chaotic and i find myself in my head. It is incredibly grounding for me, particularly gardening or the ocean. 

What are your fondest memories of spending time in nature?

I have just spent 2 years travelling around Australia with my 3 kids and husband, we have had the most incredible experiences from traditional smoking ceremonies at lagoons in Arnhem Land to hiking canyons in Karijini National Park. Having spent the best part of the 2 years chasing the sun, we have spent 99% of the time with our feet in the sand or red dirt and the sun on our skin. These memories are ones i will hold onto forever, and ones that really shifted something in me. There was such deep connection with mother nature in these moments, there was a sacredness that sits within and i feel wash over me when i think of these moments.

Many of us are time-poor and might not get out into nature as much as we’d like. Any suggestions for a quick nature-based pick-me up? Something sensory, experiential…?
I am in the thick of this transition, going from travelling Australia and spending most of my time outside to landing back home and having to remind myself to step outside has been a journey within itself. It is also much colder here than where i have been for the last 2 years, this makes it a challenge in itself sometimes. Two of my daily conscious decisions that help bring me closer to nature: 1. my morning coffee is enjoyed either outside in the morning sun or if cold and rainy at a large window connecting with what i can see - looking out over the hills, at the trees, the birds and really being with this moment. 2. throughout the day, i find just stepping outside and letting the sun or cold crisp air hit my skin, noticing what i am feeling for just a few minutes is incredibly grounding for me. 

Koala Eco Journal

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