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Caroline Sherman's Sense of Wonder

Caroline Sherman founded Among Equals, a not-for-profit organisation that has been on a transformative journey since its inception in early 2015. The Among Equals story is a heart-warming tale of empowerment, collaboration, and a profound commitment to making a difference in the lives of women and children in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Caroline Sherman's inspiration to create Among Equals arose from a deep-seated desire to directly and positively impact the lives of women and children in underserved communities. Recognising the potential for change through traditional craft, Caroline embarked on a mission to empower these communities by providing them with sustainable, long-lasting income opportunities. We sat down with Caroline for our latest Hour in Nature to discover what truly captivates her sense of wonder.

What’s your favorite thing to do in nature?

“I love bushwalks and hiking with my children – I have three boys, convincing them to go with me is always a challenge but once we’re there it’s the best, the conversations are so good, being without screens is so important and the reboot is good for the soul.”

Describe your connection to nature: what positives does it bring to your life? 

“First and foremost, I’m a city person, I love the busyness, but then I crave moments of immersion in peaceful places – weekends at the farm are a joy, I love our long summer afternoons there with my family, the long walks, the board games, sketching, I always take my watercolours to the farm.”

Can you describe an experience when you’ve been made to feel fully in awe—and perhaps even uncomfortably—aware of the power of nature?

“The deep ocean has always held a fascination for me. I grew up on boats, my father was a sailor, so I have wonderful childhood memories and feel the call, it’s my happy place but I’m also in awe of it and its power. Another memory that stands out is standing at the Blue Haus studio overlooking the valley in Papua New Guinea. I took our team there in June to meet and work with the weavers, and the women are such joyful spirits, they have such optimism and it is such an immensely beautiful country, it is so wild – the afternoon storms roll in quite suddenly, you can feel a sense of magic there.”

Is there a sound in nature that you believe everyone should hear at least once in their lifetime?

“The sound of cicadas when they first start buzzing in summer, it reminds me of my childhood, the joy of summers in the 70s when you would spend the whole day outside then race back home before the sun went down.”

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