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Consolation, solidarity and kindness in the time of COVID-19

Daily, in my inbox. Email messages from siblings, cousins, friends, retail companies, banks, universities I’ve attended, organisations I’m a member of, all expressing similar sentiments. Stay safe. Keep healthy. Follow the guidelines. Reach out to us if you’re in trouble. Know that we are thinking of you. We’re here to help in whatever way we can.

Offering consolation, however small. Expressing solidarity, from whatever distance. Messages of kindness.

And KOALA ECO and our family joins in echoing those messages, extending them to all of you, our customers, your families and your loved ones. We're in this with you, juggling work, finances, young children, concern about family members and friends with compromised immunity, the list goes on.

We wanted to let you know we’re working hard to do our part in offering maybe a little reassurance in these challenging times. Thankfully, we’re online and totally open for business. We’re stepping up production and supplies of our natural, non-toxic products that will help you keep your surfaces, hands, and homes as clean as possible.

Just now, cleanliness may be one of those things that bring us all a bit closer to peace of mind. Knowing that we can at least take charge of making our homes a bit safer and cleaner may offer us some sense of control in these uncertain times. 

Stay safe. We’re here, and ready in our small way to help you.

Koala Eco Journal

Accelerate your wellness

“Wellness … signifies something quite different from good health. Good health can exist as a relatively passive state of freedom from illness … wellness is conceptualized as dynamic—a condition of...

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'There is land and land.'

this train, the wind, ploughs on through suburbs I barely glimpse but there is land and land and I am landing From ‘Land-ed’ by Gomeroi poet Alison Whittaker   If...

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