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How to grow a bee garden.

 On International Bee Day, here are a few tips for growing your own Bee Garden.

  • Select native plants that flower right through the year. Banksia, Callistemon and Melaleuca are all fantastic plant groups because they produce lots of pollen and nectar. 
  • Select flowers with a variety of colours and shapes.
  • Avoid insecticides in your garden. If you must use them try, use low tox bee friendly ones and spray when bees are not active – cold or sleeping.
  • Plant a patch of wildflowers. Bees are drawn to native plants and wildflowers, which often produce more pollen and nectar than modern, hybridized flowers. 
  • Offer water. Bees need drinking water. They’ll visit a shallow birdbath or other water feature.

More Nature, Feel Better.

Koala Eco Journal

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