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#NaturePact: Nature Dose - Caring for Nature

Let's talk eco-anxiety. Because if we want to nurture a reciprocal relationship with nature—we care for nature, so nature cares for us—we are going to have to tackle the paralysis that can so often result from a fear that, given 2023 is already known to be the hottest year on record, it’s all too little too late. 

Eco-anxiety is actually a perfectly reasonable response to the threat of climate change. It’s easy to feel powerless, but it can help to reframe the language we might use to describe our response, or the action we might take. Instead of feeling 'there is nothing we can do,' perhaps we can try 'we haven’t yet figured out how to solve this problem.' Rather than ‘I’m only one person, what difference can I make?’ perhaps 'I want to find other like-minded people to build a difference-making community' will help to drive a sense of action.[1]

It’s important not to let the situation overwhelm us, and that’s why the focus of this final #NaturePact week may just help. It’s about finding opportunities—however small—to take action and increase the ways we can care for nature. Maybe it’s through acts of conservation, growing and caring for nature places and spaces. Or acts of sustainability, like managing our consumption, efficiency and waste.  Or it could be as simple as taking a walk round your neighbourhood with a relative or friend, and figuring out where there are some plants that could do with a little TLC, or verges that could become a nature patch for birds and insects. Maybe you already do some of these things. It certainly doesn’t harm to remind yourself of the action you are already taking, and figuring out what else you could add.   

We’re all in it together. Whatever you choose, share by tagging us with something new you’ve done to care for nature this week and adding #naturepact.      

Koala Eco is the principal campaign partner and supporter for the People and Parks Foundation’s #NaturePact campaign.

[1] With thanks to

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