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How nature influences Jenni Kayne's designs and fosters mindfulness

Jenni Kayne is a prominent American fashion designer and lifestyle entrepreneur. She founded her namesake fashion brand, Jenni Kayne, known for its timeless clothing and home goods embodying simplicity and sophistication. Kayne's distinctive style is deeply influenced by her love for nature, frequently drawing inspiration from the serene California landscapes where she enjoys hiking and gardening.

Her commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious initiatives is evident in her brand. In Koala Eco’s latest Hour in Nature interview," Kayne shares how her connection to nature influences her designs, fosters mindfulness, and drives her efforts toward a greener fashion industry. 

Describe your connection to nature: what positives does it bring to your life?

I am endlessly inspired by nature. It informs so much of my creative life—from the textiles I bring into an interior design project to the apparel pieces we decide to focus on for the season ahead. If I’m feeling stuck or in need of inspiration, I simply get outside and see what comes to mind.

What are your fondest memories of spending time in nature?

Some of my favorite memories of being in nature involve riding horses. I’ve been an equestrian since I was a little girl, and I now get to do it with my daughter, Ripley, which is so special. I ride at my barn almost every single day—it’s incredibly meditative and such an amazing way to immerse myself in nature and connect with the world around me.

Many of us are time-poor and might not get out into nature as much as we’d like. Any suggestions for a quick nature-based pick-me-up? Something sensory, experiential…?

I think walking outside is such an underrated way to easily connect with nature. All you need is five minutes to go outside without any distractions and ground yourself with your surroundings.

Is there a ritual or custom you have to bring nature into your home?

I always try to live with the seasons by bringing elements of the outdoors into my home. More often than not, that means setting a seasonal table with greenery I’ve foraged from my yard to serving a dish for my family that highlights in-season ingredients. 

Koala Eco Journal

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