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How to prepare your home before you travel and when you return

Before you travel and when you return. Follow these two lists for organizing your house before you leave for a trip so that you can come back to a clean and calm environment:

Before Leaving:

  1. Clean and Tidy Up:
    • Clean and vacuum your home to minimise dust and dirt accumulation while away.
    • Put away any clutter and organise belongings to create a tidy space.
  2. Dispose of Perishables:
    • Empty the refrigerator of any perishable items that might spoil during your absence.
  3. Take Care of Plants:
    • Water your plants or make arrangements for someone to take care of them.
  4. Adjust Thermostat:
    • Set your thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature to save on heating or cooling costs.
  5. Turn Off Non-Essential Electronics:
    • Unplug electronic devices and battery packs that won't be used to save energy and prevent potential hazards.
  6. Secure Windows and Doors:
    • Ensure all windows and doors are properly closed and locked for security.
  7. Notify Trusted Neighbours or Friends:
    • Inform a neighbour or friend about your trip so they can keep an eye on your home and collect mail if needed.


Create a Checklist for Your Return:

  1. Trash and Recycling:
    • Place trash and recycling bins outside for pickup.
  2. Inspect for Issues:
    • Check for leaks, pests, or issues that might have arisen during your absence.
  3. Refrigerator Cleaning:
    • Give your refrigerator a quick clean to ensure it's fresh and ready for use.
  4. Open Windows for Ventilation:
    • Open windows to let fresh air circulate through the house.
  5. Retrieve Mail:
    • Collect any mail or packages that may have accumulated.
  6. Reset Thermostat:
    • Adjust the thermostat to your preferred temperature for comfort.
  7. Restock Essentials:
    • Ensure you have essential items like toiletries, groceries, and cleaning supplies.
  8. Unpack Efficiently:
    • Start unpacking your luggage and organising items in their proper places.
  9. Laundry and Cleaning:
    • Do a load of laundry if necessary and perform a quick cleaning sweep to freshen up the space.
  10. Reconnect Electronics:
    • Plug in any electronic devices you had unplugged before your trip.

By following this checklist, you can ensure a smooth transition back to your home after your trip, allowing you to relax and settle in quickly.

Koala Eco Journal


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